Thursday, March 31, 2011

How's Your Garden Growing?

Hi all!
I heard from your teachers that you planted an indoor salad garden last week?

Has anything germinated (sprouted) yet?

What did you plant? I hope you will write about it here!

Can you email me a picture of your garden? I will post in on this blog:

Have a great week!


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Salad Bowl Video

Grow an Indoor Salad Garden

NY AG in the Classroom's 
"Grow an Indoor Salad Garden"
Perfect for March!

In this lesson, students will compare and contrast the needs of indoor and outdoor plants, taking on the responsibility for raising three different types of plants indoors and learn their specific needs. Students will observe all steps in the plants’ growth and life cycles, journaling their observations and conductings surveys. For the complete unit, go to: